
General Information

Full Name Andrew Yates
Location Cambridge, MA
Hometown Fallbrook, CA
Email [first + last name]


  • 2022 -
    PhD in Quantum Science & Engineering - Theoretical Physics
    Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
    • Activities and societies: Harvard Quantum Initiative
  • 2018 - 2022
    Bachelor of Arts in Physics
    Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
    • Magna Cum Laude
    • Selected coursework
      • Quantum Information Processing, Blackholes & Quantum Information (Grad), QFT (Grad), Solid State Physics, Applied Functional Analysis (Grad).

Research Experience

  • 2021
    Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow
    Caltech Institute For Quantum Information And Matter
    Advisor(s): John Preskill
    Co-advisor(s): Sepehr Nezami
    • Supported by the Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
    • Gave a talk at the MURI Annual Meeting 2021: Quantum Codes, Tensor Networks, and Quantum Spacetime.
    • Studied the effects of noise on ‘quantum gravity in the lab’ experiments, based on Using quantum information and random matrix theory, predicted unexpected noise-resilience caused by special operator-scrambling behavior. Developing a quantum error correction strategy that restores the teleported state to its noiseless form.
  • 2020
    Undergraduate Researcher
    Cornell University
    Advisor(s): Paul Ginsparg, Peter McMahon
    Co-advisor(s): Eliott Rosenberg, Thomas Hartman
    • Implemented a quantum algorithm to prepare thermofield double states of the Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev (SYK) model. This algorithm consisted of the Jordan-Wigner transformation and an adiabatic, trotterized Hamiltonian simulation of SYK. Developed methods for measuring the von Neumann and Rényi entropies of such systems.
  • 2019-2022
    Undergraduate Researcher
    Cornell University
    Advisor(s): Peter McMahon
    Co-advisor(s): Logan Wright
    • Created and simulated a circuit-model quantum reservoir ML algorithm. Discovered that it is equivalent to a dual classical neural network, where the layer size grows exponentially with its depth.
    • Simulated ‘noise-resilient quantum circuits’ which are ‘Markovian’ and ‘locally rapidly mixing’. Created methods to diagnose and catalogue circuits with these properties. Found tensor network descriptions of the same phenomena which provided elegant analytic tools.
    • Mentored undergrads in Peter McMahon’s group who are working on quantum machine learning projects.


  • Quantum information
    • Quantum Shannon theory, random matrix theory (i.e., unitary t-designs, Weingarten Calculus)
  • QML
    • Classical/quantum reservior machine learning, linear algebra algorithms, quantum neural networks
  • Software
    • Cirq, Qutip, Qiskit, Pennylane, Tensorflow Quantum, OpenFermion

Industry Experience

  • 2019
    Software Developer
    Cornell Design & Tech Initiative
    • Software developer for DTI, an engineering project team at Cornell.
  • 2017
    Software Developer Intern
    Xifn, Inc.
    • Software architect intern at Xifn, a company that automates healthcare financial processing.